Saturday, October 26, 2013

Buried Treasure

Anyone need a rusted metal dagger? You never know what we'll find digging in the back yard.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Backsplash

Scrap wood project #2.
Why not use some cool old pieces of wood to tile your kitchen backsplash? Great idea! 
Now all we need to do is decide what color to stain it. 

New Planters!

Amazing wood scrap project #1.  
Ryan made these planters for our driveway from some random free pallets, old wood from our demolition, and scrap from a local lumber mill discard pile. 
(please note... the random michigan beach stones for good measure.)
Next Step: 
Cool trellis for the clematis. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Wood shop

You never know when you might need some extra wood.  
So why not collect it from everywhere you possibly can, fill the entire garage with boards, and then build a little firewood rack?
Next step... build the fire pit. 

It's october again?

Looking back at last October it's hard believe that we're in the attic again. This time instead of taking the chimney out... someone's adding a loft. 
Thanks Joel! Somebody get that guy a hammer, a nail gun and some chips and salsa.  Check.