Friday, January 24, 2014

Stairway to heaven

Refinishing the back hallway has been a big challenge that's required a lot of late night work shifts.  Lately Ryan's been spending his time replacing steps and risers, re-building some stairs and creating new molding. 
 Then came the acrobatic paint job. 

Next, he decided to frame out a wall and rewire some of the electrical. This required squaring off the lower staircase and tackling more drywall.  
Then why not add a newly constructed shoe shelf made from the old floor boards pried loose from the original landing? 
Love it!

Friday, January 10, 2014

desperately need a few more new appliances? why, yes. yes we do.

So, after the old dryer broke with 2 loads of wet laundry to finish... we decided to bite the bullet and buy a new washer and dryer. 
Tada! Let the laundry begin.
(We clearly chose a rather basic model without the compatible smart phone app or built in digital touch screen.)